Når alt er vendt op og ned

Når alt er vendt op og ned
når alt og alle er i skred
gælder alle bønner
både til kaffe og synder
også dem fra et blomsterbed.

Når alt er vendt op og ned
kan ængstelse bli’ vendt til fred
og himmelvendte blikke
ser på hinanden og nikker
over den daglige slat mjød.

Når alt er vendt op og ned
falder gamle døre og porte af led
og duft af friskbagt brød
over ildstedets glød
giver frit slag for ny gæstfrihed.

Når alt er vendt op og ned
bli’r påskens lille gækkebrev
med dets dunede fjer
og dine små kragetæer
med ét til et, du ikke selv skrev.

Når alt er vendt op og ned
stikker kirkespiret af sted
til en himmelsk salme-ø
hvor vi med sangstemme-frø
tilplanter jorden dernede.

Når alt er vendt op og ned
så ved vi pludselig besked
og glædens sultne gensyn
viger for andre hensyn
og fedekalven får benene på gled.

Når alt er vendt op og ned
bli’r havet til en brusende bred
hvor vi med øret mod sandet
lytter til skridt og til vandet
lytter til Guds lette fjed.

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Election Verse

Last night I had the strangest dream
I ever dreamed before
I dreamed that Mike Bloomberg became
The King of American Samoa

I dreamed the Dems’ contenders were
White males with very gray hair
Who both were born under Roosevelt
During the Second World War

I dreamed that Amy Klobuchar
Became first female VP
And sent Mike Pence back to the past
With a fresh battery

I dreamed that Sanders and Warren bought
A house in the blue Nordic air
Where they spent their golden years
Abusing the free health care

I dreamed the last we saw of Trump
Was when his orange wig soared
As he crawled into the chopper
And flew off to Ecuador

Last night I had the strangest dream
I ever dreamed before …

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Efterårsdigt / Fall Poem


It’s like snow
The way the leaves are falling
It’s like fog
The way the crows are calling
It’s like time
The way the light is burning
It’s like thanks
The way the heart is humming

Det er ligesom sne
den måde bladene falder
Det er ligesom tåge
den måde kragerne kalder
Det er ligesom dug
den måde tiden svinder
Det er ligesom tak
den måde hjertet nynner

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Ny roman udkom 21. februar

Min nye roman VEJEN TIL ALBERTA udkom 21. februar 2018 på Lindhardt og Ringhof. Forside Alberta.jpg

Romanen fik 5 stjerner i Ekstra-Bladet (25/2): “En herlig udansk fortælling skrevet med store litterære armbevægelser, et lunt glimt i øjet og masser af fortælleglæde (…) svært ikke at forelske sig i SAMTLIGE af bogens kvinder (…) Damn good!”

Femina gav 5 hjerter (28/2): “En stor roman. På alle måder (…) skrevet så præcist og fokuseret, at hvert eneste ord når langt ind.”

Dagbladenes Bureau gav 5 stjerner (23/2): ”En rigtigt underholdende roman (…) Brian Dan Christensen skriver med en fin, lavmælt humor.”

Børsen (16/2) kvitterede med 4 stjerner og kaldte romanen “original og vellykket (…) en god roman om livets store temaer.”

Kristeligt Dagblad (3/3) gav 4 stjerner: “Stærkt underholdende (…) Amerikansk ‘noir’ på danske læber (…) dybde og ramasjang i en bog, der skal nydes i sofaen med en god whisky.”

Weekendavisen (23/2) skrev: “Vejen til Alberta har stærke karakterer, fed stemning og en slutning, der lyder som en popsang.”

Litteratursiden.dk kaldte bogen for “En velkomponeret roman, der emmer af uforløste drømme, knust kærlighed og menneskeskæbner (…) Brian Dan Christensen fører os hjemmevant rundt i New York City, og jeg er lige så tryg, som når Ellroy giver en guidet tur i L.A. eller Elmore viser Detroit frem.”

“Mesterligt fortalt” skrev litteraturbloggen Livet i Dukkehuset. De kvitterede med 5 stjerner og anbefaler bogen “til alle jer, som kan lide anderledes og velskrevet litteratur.” (20/3)

Berlingske (24/2) gav 3 stjerner og sagde bl.a. “Der er nogle fine beskrivelser af New Yorks klaustrofobiske storhed, der gør, at man næsten kan lugte dampene fra subwayen og mærke udstødningen på sin hud.”

Læs interview (16/2) med Kristeligt Dagblad.

Læs interview (18/2) med Århus Stiftstidende.

Her kan man læse om tilblivelsen af romanen, læse de første to kapitler, samt bestille bogen:


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A Prairie Home Companion Cruise, 2017

A not-so young comedian of New York
On a cruise of not-so Norwegian ports
Made half the guests smile
The rest he bribed
To laugh and pee in their shorts.


(With thanks!)


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L.I.C. Bar in Queens, May 22, 8 p.m.

Monday, May 22, 8 p.m.:

I will be returning to the L.I.C. Bar in Long Island City, Queens, to play a set of mainly original songs. I might throw in some Johnny Cash or Greg Brown, or even a Scandinavian folk tune.

Begins at 8 p.m. sharp.

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Fireplace Concert in New York City

Sunday, February 5:

I will be playing a set of original songs at the L.I.C. Bar in Long Island City, Queens.

The show starts at 5 pm with Pete Lanctot & Ginger Dolden.

I will be on at 6 pm, followed by Maya Sharpe at 7 pm.

Come and be warm by the fire and hear some tunes

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Happy Thanksgiving

Dave: No politics over dinner, okay?

John: What do you mean, no politics?

Dave: I mean, don’t mention the election…

John: Well, you just did…

Dave: Let’s have a nice time together, okay?

John: A nice time? With that moron you voted for?

Dave: You don’t know who I voted for?

John: I do too.

Dave: Let’s just have some turkey…

John: And talk about the weather?

Dave: Yes, let’s talk about the weather.

John: And global temperatures and rising sea levels?

Dave: Like I said, no politics?

John: So now we can’t talk about the weather?

Dave: We can, but not like that.

John: You decide how we talk about the weather?

Dave: I really wish I could explain this to you…

John: Why can’t you?

Dave: You wouldn’t get it.

John: Why not?

Dave: People like you never do.

John: What do you mean people like me?

Dave: Let’s just have some turkey…

John: You mean Republicans?

Dave: Ha, so now you’re a Republican?

John: Oh, I thought you said, no politics?

Dave: I can’t believe you voted Republican.

John: Look, it’s snowing. So much for global warming…

Dave: I really thought you were smarter than that, John.

John: Who says I voted Republican?

Dave: You did.

John: Maybe I changed my mind.

Dave: You can’t change your mind after the election.

John: The president-elect can…

Dave: Let’s just forget about it.

John: Say, was that a Hillary sign on your lawn?

Dave: You know that was a joke.

John: You can say that again…

Dave: My neighbors are all pro-Trump.

John: So you put out a Hillary sign but didn’t vote for her?

Dave: I’m not going to talk politics…

John: You’re such a bad loser.

Dave: How is that?

John: People like you always are.

Dave: What do you mean people like me?

John: Let’s just have some turkey.

Dave: Oh, now you want turkey?

John: Sure, I’ll even carve. Where’s the knife?

Dave: Just forget about it…

John: No, I’ll carve.

Dave: Better let me do it.

John: Wait a second, Dave…

Dave: What?

John: Did you hide the knife?

Dave: It’s just a precaution.

John: Wow, this is not the America I grew up in.

Dave: Yes, it is, because you must have been born yesterday.

John: That’s rude.

Dave: So is ruining America.

John: Well, let’s be Independent then and eat with our hands…

Dave: It was just to be on the safe side, John.

John: Give me that darn knife.

Dave: You can’t be trusted with a knife.

John: Why not?

Dave: For one, you can’t tick the right box with a pen.

John: I’ll carve the damn turkey with my pocketknife…

Dave: You brought a knife to my house?

John: Second Amendment, Dave.

Dave: You can’t even spell amendment…

John: Forget about it, I’m not having any turkey.

Dave: Why not?

John: Just not having any…

Dave: Why not?

John: Well, it’s cold by now.

Dave: The thermometer says 165F…

John: You can’t trust that.

Dave: Guess you really are a Republican…

John: You know very well that I trust science, Dave.

Dave: Well, have a bite then…

John: But the thermometer, it’s made in China, you can’t trust it.

Dave: So is your iPad.

John: No, it’s not…

Dave: Where then? The coalmines of Appalachia.

John: Just not made in China. Period.

Dave: Come on, let’s have some turkey…

John: Just look at this meat…

Dave: What‘s wrong with it?

John: You had one chance to get it right…

Dave: Better get used to that.

John: Used to what?

Dave: Let’s just say it’s a Trump turkey.

John: What is that supposed to mean?

Dave: You’re stuck with it and you won’t like the taste.

John: I thought you said, no politics.

Dave: I changed my mind.


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Nobel Limerick

Honorable Nobel Committee
When you award me for being witty
Don’t share the prize
With three other guys
Or my mother will say, What a pity!

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Let There Be Light Verse

When facts are scorned
And lies prevail
It’s Hell on Earth
And Heaven in Hell
For common sense
Is quite amiss
Where ignorance is
No longer bliss
We need now, people
More than ever
The blueprints for
The Tower of Babel
To build it high
And let those climb
Who poison the minds
With guile and slime
Good riddance, we chant,
Now truth shall blossom
And let there be light
It’s totally awesome

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